→ basil, 20, he/they
→ nb, queer/acespec
→ infp-t, 9w1, cancer
→ writer, artist, enjoyer of cringe >:]
→ irls proceed with caution!

cool stuff!! :]]
→ medias/games
crk, acnh, arcane, otgw, enstars

→ music
sales, mitski, brakence, beabadoobee, pinkpanthress, carti, hyperpop, i <3 all music→ other
cloudy/rainy weather, plants, urban design, psych, neuro, tiny houses, ecology, napping, artists/writers, zines, linguistics, matcha, learning

animanga :D
BLP, jjk, mp100, sk8, soul eater, gokurakugai, heavenly delusion, ohshc, all saints street, csm, free!, bsd, mha, wha

current favs !!!!!!
blue period, heavenly delusion

bugs, heat, summer, mocking interests, judgemental people
yep im definitely INFP.......

→ basic dni criteria (__phobic, etc)
→ antis
→ people that push the judgmental societal norm (calling others cringe, making fun, rudeness)
→ if you simply side with the views of your social media bubble without looking beyond it
art boundaries
can repost/use for layouts with or without credit, can use as a reference, can redraw, etc.

i am social anxiety BUT i love to make friends so don't be discouraged if i come across a bit awkward!!